Why Do Turtles Need Water?

Why Do Turtles Need Water?
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Turtles and water are of course inseparable. Heck, that was probably where our first encounter with turtles was, near the waters. Turtles are considered aquatic animals, so by all means they can never survive without water in the long run.

If not in captivity, they’re probably found anywhere near natural water resources, like rivers or lakes where they can be sustained.

Yes, indeed turtles need water to survive internally and externally. It is the key to their hydration and body temperature regulation. It also aids in food digestion as well as the complex process of metabolism. Water is the main source of their energy. Turtles without water, in the long run, can lead to fatal causes like death.

Their lives majorly revolve around water in the wild, and water is crucial for them in both captivity and in nature. They drink it and live in it, it is already in their nature, hence they are called aquatic animals for a reason.

Reasons Turtles Need Water

We’ll explain more about how it helps regulate their temperature and aids their digestion and metabolic process. As a plus, we’ll include the answers to the questions you might ask about the presence of water around your turtle.

Hydration And Body Temperature Regulation

Turtles have to be hydrated first before they can focus on daily chomps and additional nourishment. As water is the first and foremost key to hydration and without it, it would be difficult for turtles to function well and do other basic things like eating and moving.

Other than that, turtles utilize water to regulate their body temperature if it gets too hot or too cold. The water can act as a coolant or heater to regulate its temperature. 

Aids Metabolism And Digestion

Metabolism requires water to process because it helps in the conversion of the things that your turtles consume into energy. Without water, there’s no regular processing of metabolism, and without metabolism, they may experience extreme lethargy.

As for digestion, water helps in breaking down the big chunks in their system and aids in nutrient absorption. Without water, it slows down digestion, thus slowing down their appetite as well.

Can Turtles Drink The Water They Are Living In?

The answer depends on how often you change the water in their tank, how good your water filters are and how you feed your pet. In the wild, turtles drink water from natural water resources like rivers and lakes.

With that being said, turtles are naturally more resistant to water-based bacteria than us humans, but not for a long period of time especially for captive turtles. So, if you change their tank water at least once or twice a week, it should be fine for your pet to consume the same water they’re swimming in.

As for your water filters, refresh them at least once every two or three weeks and you can deep clean the whole tank too within the same period. Get a well-reputed filter for your pet’s tank (#ad) so it won’t hurt your savings in the long run.

You can also change the way you feed your pet… when it’s feeding time, take them out of their tank and place them somewhere safe and flat for them to eat on. The leftovers wouldn’t contaminate their tank water and once they’re done eating, you can put them back in the water for them to start drinking.

Can Turtles Drown?

Yes, they can, but the chances are lower than you’d imagine. Many turtle owners probably already know this but turtles can hold their breath underwater for a significantly long time. Their lungs aren’t designed like fishes or other two-chambered hearts.

Turtles can hold their breath for up to one hour, but in common scenarios, they tend to take a spontaneous dive for about four to five minutes and then swim back to the surface.

How Much Water Do Turtles Need?

Simplify the calculation by just following the rule of shell, ten gallons for each inch of your turtle’s width. Say that your turtle is ten centimeters wide, you can fill up forty gallons of water and it should be sufficient for them.

Remember, the water level should always be deeper than the width of your turtle. The water you provide should be clean and residue-free so they can drink safely and swim comfortably.

How Long Can Turtles Live Without Water?

The most hours that they can live completely without water is 8 hours. The situation includes having zero water resources around them and an entirely dehydrated system.

Of course, the hours depend on the type, age, and temperature of the turtle, the younger the shorter the hours they can survive without water. Turtles that normally live on land such as box turtles, can survive on a very little amount of water.


Living without the most basic thing turtles need, in the long run, you can guess what happens next. Correct, they’ll die out of dehydration and chronic lethargy. Your pet is dependent on water, that’s why the amount and cleanliness of said water are crucial for them to live healthily.

Water itself provides countless favors to their daily activities, by providing them with enough clean water you’ve done a big part towards their healthy lifestyle.

Edward Cohen

Hi, my name is Edward Cohen. I have been an animal enthusiast for many years now and I love them. My goal is to share what I have learned over the years through my experience and research about animals of all kinds.

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