How Much Do Chameleons Weigh? (Weight Comparison of Each Species)

How Much Do Chameleons Weigh?
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Knowing how much chameleons weigh is important for many reasons if you own a pet chameleon just like me. When I first had my pet chameleon, I always wondered if it weighs a healthy amount.

I’m sure some of you out there are curious as to how much chameleons weigh, just like I was. Some people might think… chameleons just eat bugs all the time, so they can’t get that heavy right? Well…

Common household chameleons will generally weigh around 100-120 grams. With that said, the weight of an adult chameleon will highly depend on the species. There is a huge variety of chameleons in the world thus the variance in weight is huge.

There isn’t just one answer to how much a chameleon would weigh. Many factors will affect the answer to this question. Read on to find out how much each species of common household chameleon would weigh.

How Much Does An Average Chameleon Weigh?

There are more than 160 species of chameleons in the world. Their average weight is around 1kg or so, depending on the size of the species.

Now I know what you’re thinking, that is pretty heavy for a small little fellow. We are taking wild chameleons into account here who have access to abundant food in the wild.

Of course, these creatures will be larger in comparison with domestic chameleons. For your everyday pet chameleon at home, the average weight is significantly lighter.

Household chameleons typically weigh around 100-120 grams, about 10% of the world average for chameleons. This heavily depends on the species though as some chameleons such as the pygmy chameleon will grow only up to 7cm long.

That’s barely the length of your longest finger. The gender of a chameleon affects the weight as well. Typically, the average male chameleon will weigh heavier than the average female chameleon.

Here is a chart for common household chameleons as a way for you to determine if yours is the right weight.

Species of ChameleonAverage Weight of Males (g)Average Weight of Females (g)
Veiled Chameleon130100
Panther Chameleon16080
Jackson’s Chameleon130110
Carpet Chameleon210150
Fischer’s Chameleon5550
Flap-Necked Chameleon170140
Meller’s Chameleon400350
Oustalet’s Chameleon450200
Bearded Pygmy Chameleon1111
Spectral Pygmy Chameleon2420
Usambara Pitted Pygmy Chameleon2018
Parson’s Chameleons700500
Table of How Much Each Chameleon Species Weigh

Now that we know the average weight of an adult chameleon, what are the factors that affect them?

What Are The Factors to How Much A Chameleon Weighs?

There is a multitude of factors that can affect a chameleon’s weight, these are just some of the most common factors that will determine it. Note that some chameleons are exceptional and may grow more than what is expected.

The opposite can happen too where some may seem a little smaller than usual but may still be of optimal health. Here are some common factors that determine how much a chameleon weighs.

The Size of The Chameleon

The size of a chameleon will heavily influence its weight. For obvious reasons, larger-sized chameleons will weigh much more than tinier ones.

Most people think that the length of a chameleon alone will determine its weight but that is not true. Length alone cannot determine their weight.

Some chameleons are longer than others but some are stockier which in turn makes them heavier.

Think of a tall lanky man against a short but very thick one. Of course, there’s a good chance that the latter will be much heavier despite being shorter.

Different Species of Chameleons

Some species of chameleon are simply larger than others. This mostly has to do with how long they have spent in captivity and the condition of their natural habitat.

Evolution plays a big part in their weight as some species were forced to grow larger or smaller to accommodate their surroundings.

One theory is that animals that lived in high oxygen content areas will grow larger and heavier than animals who didn’t. Landmass plays a huge role as well as larger landmasses will allow them to grow bigger over millions of years.

For example, chameleons that lived millions of years on top of the mountains will be smaller than the ones that live in the desert. This is because the oxygen breathable in the mountains is much lesser than that of the ground level.

The Amount of Food

Their diet plays a huge role in their weight as well. Depending on what they feed on, a chameleon will grow very differently from another. Chameleons that eat more will grow heavier.

What Happens If A Chameleon’s Weight Isn’t In The Normal Range?

If a chameleon isn’t at its supposed weight, it could cause problems to the chameleon’s health. This could affect their lifespan as well, so it is important to know what happens if their weight is abnormal.

Overweight Chameleons – When chameleons are overweight, they will have difficulties climbing as they can’t manage their weight on the narrow branches. Not only that, but they will also have issues with their liver and kidney as the fat pads they produce make it harder for their organs to function.

Underweight Chameleons – On the other hand, underweight chameleons might feel lethargic due to not having enough energy stored in the body. Another possible issue is that your chameleon might be riddled in parasites, causing them to slowly be eaten inside out.

If you’d like to know more about overweight and underweight chameleons, check out those articles with the links above that go more into detail about them.


A healthy weight for your average domestic chameleon lies between 100-120 grams. This varies from different species of chameleons so don’t be worry just because your pet chameleon doesn’t land in these numbers.

Refer to the table above for a better understanding. Many factors affect how much a chameleon weighs. These factors will depend mostly on the size of the chameleon.

If a pet owner isn’t careful with what they feel their chameleon, it might cause them to become overweight or underweight. Keeping them at an optimal weight is essential to their health.

Many health problems are related to their weight which will affect their lifespan as well. I’m sure you want your pet chameleon to live long and happily don’t you?

Edward Cohen

Hi, my name is Edward Cohen. I have been an animal enthusiast for many years now and I love them. My goal is to share what I have learned over the years through my experience and research about animals of all kinds.

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