Do Iguanas Like Music? (With Music Examples)

Do Iguanas Like Music?
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Some people might think music is just going to be random sounds when iguanas hear them. The truth is, music is not just random sounds, they have beat and rhythm to them and iguanas know it. Iguanas are going to react to music differently when compared to random sounds. Over the years of having a pet iguana, here is what I gathered.

Most iguanas like music but not all of them. Every iguana is different, some will enjoy music a lot more than others. Without letting your iguana listen to music, you will never know if it will like it or not.

Figuring out and letting your iguana listen to his or her favorite song can bring you and the iguanas benefits. Iguanas will feel more relaxed and enjoy the enclosure more if it has music that it likes. When your iguana is happy and relaxed, you will have a much easier time bonding with it.

Types of Music for Iguanas

Do not just simply start playing any type of music. Certain types of music (death metal) will make your iguana respond like crazy.

Start with something chill when you don’t know what your iguana likes. If they don’t work, you can also try other genres.

Here are some chill song genres that I recommend you start with:

Smooth Jazz



Try playing these 3 genres 1 by 1 for 10 to 15 minutes each and see which one your iguana likes. Once you found a genre of the song your iguana is into, you can start trying different music and artists within the same genre.

You can play that particular music to your iguana the whole day when it’s awake. If your iguana doesn’t like any of the above genres of music, try other genres. Also, some iguanas will like songs with lyrics and some will like music without any lyrics.

However, just like humans, there are some that just don’t like music at all. So, don’t force your iguana to listen to music if it doesn’t enjoy any music you play to it.

Iguanas Reactions to The Music

An easy way to tell if your iguana likes the music you are playing is to read its body language. This is how iguanas commonly communicate with other humans and animals.

When Iguana Like The Music

To find out if your iguana likes the music, look out for its movement. When you start playing the music your iguana likes, it will start moving towards the sound.

They will be actively moving around to look for where the sound came from. This shows that they appreciate the sound and wanting more of it. Here is a video showing you how you can know which music your iguana likes:

When Iguana Hate The Music

If you have any experience with iguanas, you will know that exactly when they are annoyed or angry. Iguanas will give you some of the same signs when they hate the music.

They start to become aggressive and will want to move as far away from the music as possible. Here are some signs that your iguana hates the music you are playing:

If you are playing music and your iguana either shows some of these signs or want to leave the place the music is playing from, there is a big chance that it hates it. When that happens, change the music immediately. Don’t give up, some iguanas can be very picky.

Setting Up Music for Iguanas

To set up music for your iguana, you can either put the sound devices in or outside of the iguana’s enclosure. I recommend that you set it up right outside the cage so the iguana cannot destroy it.

Other than that, it is also more straightforward. The easiest way to do this is to buy a Bluetooth speaker and connect it with your device and play songs to it.

Moreover, you can also use radios or play music right from your television if they are loud enough for your iguana to hear it. Make sure to not play the song or music too loudly and only play it when it is awake. You don’t want to disturb your iguana when it’s sleeping.


There are many iguanas that like music but not all of them will. Each and every iguana is different and has their own preference. If your iguana has never been exposed to music before, give it a try and see how it reacts to music.

Start out with music or songs with chill vibes such as smooth jazz, reggae, and blues. Your iguana will give you feedback with its body language, letting you know if it likes the music or not.

Edward Cohen

Hi, my name is Edward Cohen. I have been an animal enthusiast for many years now and I love them. My goal is to share what I have learned over the years through my experience and research about animals of all kinds.

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