Do Iguanas Know Their Names? (And How To Train Them)

Do Iguanas Know Their Names?
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Many people that own iguanas always call them by their names. That got me wondering if iguanas actually know their names. Now that I have done a lot of digging online and have my very own pet iguana, here is the answer for you.

Iguanas do know their names. This might not be immediate but over time, they will start to recognize that you are calling them.

Iguanas are smart animals, having them recognize their names is not a hard task. However, you must follow the right techniques in order to achieve that. Giving iguanas a name will yield some benefits but training them to know their names can sometimes be difficult.

Reasons to Name An Iguana

You should always give your iguana a name whenever you get one. The first reason is that you will get to bond much better with your iguana if you give it a name.

If you plan to tame your iguana in the near future, you should try to bond as much with it as possible. This will make the taming process much easier. Giving it a name is one way to do just that.

The second reason to give your iguana a name is that once it recognizes its name, it will come to you when you call its name. This will save you a lot of hassle when looking for your iguana in your own home.

Just Imagine when you want to demand your iguana to go back into its enclosure. All you need to do is simply call its name and it will come instead of finding it and guiding it all the way.

When Will My Iguana Recognize Its Name?

How quickly your iguana will know its name will be dependent on how much it bonds with you. The better it bonds with you, the faster it will be. It can take anywhere from a few months to a few years depending on the iguana.

As you may already know, every iguana has its own personality. Some iguanas you get are friendly to humans right away while some are impossible to tame.

I have heard many stories of my friends’ iguanas that just hate humans no matter what they do. Using the right techniques is very important if you want to bond with your iguana and get it to know its name as quickly as possible.

Techniques to Make Iguanas Know Their Names

It can be hard when trying to get your iguana to recognize its name. Hence, it is important to follow some of these techniques to give you the best chance in achieving that quickly. You should combine these techniques together whenever possible.

Spend Time With It

Iguanas are animals that you really need to spend a lot of time to get them to like you. This is the same when trying to get them to know their names. You should try your best to spend 1 to 2 hours daily talking to your iguana and calling its name.

This will drastically increase the speed in which your iguana will recognize that it has a name. If your iguana can be handled without it being aggressive, get it close to you. You want to make your iguana know that you are not a threat but a friend.

Other than that, you can also spend time with your iguana by feeding it with your hands. While feeding, continue talking to it and call your iguana its name.

Now, iguanas can be quite dangerous if they are not already tamed. It can get quite aggressive and bite you if you are not careful. Even if your iguana is tamed and you are careful, there is a chance that the iguana will bite you unintentionally.

Your iguana might miss the food on your hand and accidentally bite your finger but these are usually not harmful.

Giving Treats

You should treat your iguanas every once in a while. Treats don’t just include foods, they could be activities as well.

Iguanas diet should be mostly green vegetables but every once in a while, you can treat them some fruits. These fruits include mangoes, grapes, star-fruits, and etc. Iguanas love them but they should not get that in every meal they eat.

Moreover, you can also treat iguanas with activities they love. These activities include walking and swimming on a sunny day. Bring your pet iguana out for a walk or a swim especially when it’s sunny and hot outside, they love the heat.

Even though iguanas are quite lazy animals, they do enjoy walks in the park or a good swim. Giving your iguanas treats like these, can make it feel loved. This will lead to quicker bonding and an easier time trying to get them to recognize their names.

Always In Iguana’s Sight

Having your iguana constantly see you is a real benefit. This will get your iguana to remember that you exist and not a threat to them.

To do this, you can simply move the iguana cage into an area where you do most of your activities such as working or watching TV. This is probably the safest and easiest way to bond with your iguana without risking it getting uncomfortable or aggressive.

This can be quite tricky to do especially if your working space or hang out space is not big enough. That is alright because this is totally optional. However, it’s definitely one you should try to do if you want your iguana to bond with you as quickly as possible.

How Do I Know If My Iguana Knows It Name?

To test if your iguana actually knows its name is to call it and see what it does. Start by talking random stuff then see the reaction of your iguana.

After that, start calling its name and see if its reaction changes. If it does, it is a sign that it recognizes its name. These reactions include things like head-turning or moving towards you.

Here is a video showing you how that is done:

Picking A Good Name for Iguanas

Choosing a good, appropriate name for your iguana can be quite difficult and stressful. While you can name your iguana just about anything, most names just do not seem right for iguanas.

In fact, your pet iguana’s name will be the first impression for anyone meeting it for the first time. Other than that, choosing the right name will make bonding with your iguana more enjoyable.

Here are some great names for your pet iguana.

General Names:

These are general names suitable for any iguanas.

  • Bluebeard
  • Draco
  • Elliot
  • Gila
  • Leap
  • Puff
  • Raptor
  • Spike

Literary Iguana Names:

If you want more unique names that are taken from literature and books, choose from these.

  • Apollo
  • Chimera
  • Hecate
  • Lucifer
  • Naga
  • Orpheus
  • Satan
  • Zaratan

Cute Iguana Names:

Here are some cute names that everyone will love for their iguanas.

  • Cupcake
  • Fancy
  • Fluffy
  • Precious
  • Sprinkles
  • Trix
  • Whiz
  • Wiggles

Tough Iguana Names:

If you want your iguana to seem tough, here is the list you should choose from.

  • Beast
  • Boss
  • Champ
  • Claws
  • Harbard
  • Max
  • Odin
  • Thor
  • Victor


Whenever you get an iguana, you should give it a name right away. Over time, your iguana will start to recognize its name.

How quickly your iguana will recognize its name will be highly dependent on the personality of that particular iguana and how much you bond with it.

Using the right techniques can get your iguana recognizing its name very quickly.

Lastly, make sure to choose an appropriate name for your iguana as this will make bonding sessions more enjoyable for both parties.

Edward Cohen

Hi, my name is Edward Cohen. I have been an animal enthusiast for many years now and I love them. My goal is to share what I have learned over the years through my experience and research about animals of all kinds.

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