Can Iguanas Eat Jalapenos? (Are They Dangerous?)

Can Iguanas Eat Jalapenos?
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You might want to try feeding your iguana jalapenos but not sure if iguanas can eat them. I came across the same question back when I first got my iguana.

To me, jalapenos are very spicy and I could barely handle them, so I was reluctant to feed jalapenos to my iguana. So, I did the only sensible thing which is to do some research online, and here is what I found.

Iguanas can eat every type of jalapenos (green, red, or yellow) without any issues. However, jalapenos should only be given in small amounts occasionally either as a seasoning or treat.

Jalapenos are actually very nutritious and will benefit your iguana when given in small amounts. It is important to mix up your iguana’s diet with various food choices so it doesn’t get boring. Adding jalapenos to that mix is a great idea!

Do Iguanas Like Jalapenos?

Most iguanas that I know of, LOVE jalapenos, including mine. However, there will be some iguanas out there that don’t like jalapenos since they are not a natural staple food for them.

Some iguanas that I’ve interacted with, had no real interest in eating the jalapenos I give it. They stopped after just a few bites but not because it’s spicy.

In fact, iguanas don’t have capsaicin receptors, which means they can’t tell if something is spicy.

Jalapenos might be spicy for humans and can even irritate our intestines, hence some of us don’t like them. However, this is not the case for iguanas. They do not react the same way as humans do towards the “spicy juice” released from jalapenos.

The spiciness doesn’t affect iguanas at all from their mouth all the way to their intestines. Jalapenos will not hurt iguanas in any way, shape, or form if they are given in moderation (small amounts, only used as a seasoning or occasional treat).

How to Feed Jalapenos to Iguanas?

When you first bought the jalapenos, make sure to wash them thoroughly as there might be some pesticides on them. Next, cut them up into small pieces, remove as many seeds as you can and sprinkle it on your iguana’s meal as a seasoning.

Try not to feed a whole jalapeno to your iguana without cutting it up, especially if your iguana is a baby. If you don’t cut your iguana’s food up, it is possible for iguanas to choke on them.

Jalapenos should not be your iguana’s staple food, they should only be sprinkled on meals every once in a while or given as a treat. This is a great way to mix up the variety and keep your iguana interested in eating.

How Often Can Iguanas Eat Jalapenos?

For me personally, I feed jalapenos to my iguana 2 to 3 times a week. One of the reasons I don’t feed my iguana jalapenos daily is that I don’t want them to get bored of it.

In my opinion, feeding jalapenos to your iguana should be a healthy treat or seasoning every once in a while just like fruits. In fact, Jalapenos are full of nutrients and vitamins such as Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and potassium just to name a few.

Despite that, I don’t recommend feeding jalapenos to your iguana daily. Also, when you do feed your iguana jalapenos, do it in small amounts.

How Much Is Too Much?

As I said, jalapenos should not be a staple food in your iguana’s diet, they should only be a small add on to enhance your iguana’s meals. One jalapeno should be more than enough to sprinkle all over an iguana’s food.

Try not to give them any more than 1 jalapeno at a time. If your iguana is still a baby, even half a jalapeno should be enough.


Iguanas can eat jalapenos but should only be given in small amounts occasionally. Most iguanas that I have interacted with, really enjoy jalapenos but there are a few that didn’t.

If you decide to feed jalapenos to your iguana, make sure to wash them properly, cut them into small pieces, and remove as many seeds as you can.

Jalapenos should only be given to an iguana as a treat, around 2 to 3 times a week.

Lastly, I wouldn’t feed any iguana more than 1 jalapeno at a time. Anything more than that is way too much in my opinion.

Edward Cohen

Hi, my name is Edward Cohen. I have been an animal enthusiast for many years now and I love them. My goal is to share what I have learned over the years through my experience and research about animals of all kinds.

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