Are Chameleons Quiet? (5 Sounds Chameleons Make)

Are Chameleons Quiet?
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Pets that are quiet can be very peaceful to have around but are chameleons one of them? I remember wondering the same exact question before I got my pet chameleon. So, before I got my chameleon, I did some research online and this is what I’ve found.

Chameleons are very quiet animals, they hardly make any noise at all. If you do get a chameleon as a pet, it’s very unlikely that it will bother you with any noise.

Even though chameleons are quiet most of the time, there are some situations where they will make some noise. It is important to identify this noise as it might indicate underlying issues.

Why Are Chameleons Quiet?

Chameleons are quiet because they are actually very timid and shy animals.

On top of that, chameleons are also both predators and prey, though they are low down on the food chain. They need to stay quiet to prevent their predators from noticing them.

On the other hand, chameleons also need to hunt for food (insects). They need to move slowly and quietly like ninjas so their prey will not notice while they get into range.

Chameleons don’t like to attract attention from anything or anyone, even other chameleons. They prefer to be alone have all the space to themselves because of their territorial nature.

5 Sounds Chameleons Make

Chameleons are very quiet animals but that doesn’t mean they don’t make any noise at all. Chameleons don’t make noise on purpose.

Even if your chameleon does make any of the below noises often, they are so soft that it will not bother or distract you at all.

However, when your chameleon does make any sort of noise, make sure to pay close attention to it as there might be something wrong.


This is by far one of the most common noises you’ll hear from your chameleon. Hissing only happens when they are agitated or think they are in danger.

This is especially common if you first got your chameleon and try to interact with it right away. Your chameleon will need time to get comfortable with you interacting with it.

When your chameleon hisses, it’s a sign that you should stay away from it. Check out this video of a chameleon hissing at its owner:


You should not be hearing any wheezing noises from your chameleon. If you do, there is a pretty high chance that your chameleon has respiratory issues and should visit a vet as soon as possible.


It might surprise you that chameleons make hooting sounds. This is actually discovered by scientists quite recently.

Some chameleons actually use low-frequency hooting sounds to communicate with other chameleons. This sound is often too low of a frequency for humans to hear it.

On top of that, it is also speculated that the casque on chameleons’ heads is used to amplify this hooting sound.

However, from time to time, you might be able to hear a very subtle hooting sound from your chameleon. So, don’t be surprised by that.

Rustling Noises

This is very normal to hear if you put a lot of foliage in your chameleon enclosure (which you should). Chameleons love to move back and forth on a branch.

So, it’s not surprising to hear lots of rustling noises whenever your chameleon is in its enclosure full of foliage.

Other Sounds (Rare)

From time to time, you might also hear other rare sounds from your chameleons. One of those sounds is kind of like sighing. This sound is usually from mini hisses that chameleons make.

Other than that, there’s also another rare sound that chameleons can make which is the sound of teeth grinding.

I notice my chameleon making these sounds right after they gape their mouth and close it again (usually when they are angry).

This results in their teeth crunching together which makes the sound of teeth grinding but it’s extremely rare.

Are All Species of Chameleon Quiet?

Chameleons are generally very quiet animals regardless of the species. However, there are some species that are more aggressive than others which makes them hiss at you more often.

Veiled chameleons are an example of this. They are the most aggressive chameleon species compared to others commonly kept as pets.

On the other hand, Jackson’s chameleons are one of the most submissive and they rarely hiss at you. All and all, chameleons are very quiet no matter the species.

The difference in the amount of noise each species make is negligible since their hisses aren’t loud anyway.


To conclude, chameleons are very quiet animals both in the wild and in captivity. Chameleons are solitary animals, they like to stay quiet and alone without any company.

From time to time, you will hear your chameleon making noises but they are usually rare. When chameleons do make noises, it usually indicates that something is wrong.

Nonetheless, chameleons are very quiet animals and pets to have around no matter the species.

Edward Cohen

Hi, my name is Edward Cohen. I have been an animal enthusiast for many years now and I love them. My goal is to share what I have learned over the years through my experience and research about animals of all kinds.

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