Are Chameleons Blind? (2 Common Reasons Chameleons Become Blind)

Are Chameleons Blind?
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Chameleons have very small eyes compared to other reptiles, this makes some people think they are blind. On top of that, the way they move is also very slow and clumsy as if they couldn’t see. After many years of having my pet chameleon, here is the answer for you.

Chameleons are not blind, they can actually see very well. In fact, their eyesight is very important, especially in the wild. Chameleons need to see well to avoid predators, climbing branches, and hunt for food.

Even though chameleons are born with good eyesight, they could get blind if not taken care of well. Chameleons are one of the hardest animals to take care of as pets. There are many mistakes that could lead to your chameleon getting blind.

How to Spot A Blind Chameleon

There are several ways you can tell if your chameleon is blind. It is important to pay extra close attention to your pet chameleon if you see any of the following signs.

Eyes Closed

Whenever there is something wrong with chameleon’s eyes, they usually shut them tight. They would not be able to open them even if they wanted to. This causes them to be blind.

It is not normal for chameleons to close both of their eyes throughout the day. They need to stay aware of any potential danger.

On top of that, they also need to keep their eyes open to climb branches and hunt for food around them.

So, if you see your chameleon shutting its eyes throughout the day, there is a high chance that your chameleon is blind.

Bulging Eyes

Chameleons should have bulging eyes but not to a point where it looks unnatural. This condition is usually combined with closed eyes.

If you see that your chameleon’s eyes are bulging out more than usual while having its eyes closed, you need to do something about it immediately.

Dropping Off Branches

When your chameleon is blind, it could get extra clumsy and drop off branches.

However, this is a rare sight even with a blind chameleon since they are pretty careful and have an incredible grip.

Missing Food

Not only will hand feeding your chameleon form a good bond, you can also test your chameleon’s eyesight.

If your chameleon is blind, there is a high chance that it will miss the food that you put in front of it.

Chameleons shoot their tongue out to eat their food and they usually have a very good aim.

If your chameleon starts missing the food that you put in front of it, you should be worried.

Things That Cause Chameleons to Go Blind

If you do not take care of your chameleon right, it is very possible for it to go blind. Here are some things that could cause that to happen.

Eye Infection

When chameleons get an eye infection, it will likely close at least one of its eyes shut which makes them lose all or part of their eyesight. In many cases, eye infection only happens to one eye. The other eye should stay open.

Here are some ways eye infection is caused:

  • Poor ventilation
  • Dehydration
  • Bacteria
  • Injuries


Other than having an eye infection, deficiencies such as Vitamin A and UVB could possibly make a chameleon go blind or shut its eyes.

Without providing what a chameleon needs, your chameleon will not be able to function properly.

Even if the set up is slightly off from the optimal settings, it could give your chameleons lots of problems.

What to Do with A Blind Chameleon

When your chameleon becomes blind, do not simply give up on it because it can recover its eyesight.

Here are some action steps you should take in order to get your chameleon back to full health.

Flush Your Chameleon’s Eyes

The first thing you should do is to flush your chameleon’s eyes with water if you notice it shutting its eye throughout the day. There could be dirt under its eyes which is preventing your chameleon from opening them.

First, gently open one of its eyes up with your fingers and get a spray bottle. After that, spray some water in your chameleon’s eye (make sure the spray isn’t strong). Do the same for the other eye.

The way you do it is the same way as if you are applying eyedrop into your eyes (lift your eyelid open and put the eyedrop in).

Take Extra Care of Your Chameleon

When your chameleon can’t see, you should take extra care of it. You must make sure that your chameleon gets everything it needs and is fully nourished.

Double-check to make sure your chameleon’s enclosure is optimally set up. If not, that could be the reason why your chameleon got blind in the first place.

On top of that, you need to make sure it’s eating enough food. Don’t just leave the food in the cage because the chances of your chameleon eating the food are low since it will not be able to see.

Instead, you should hand feed your chameleon. Do this by gently opening its mouth with your fingers and putting food in.

You might also need to use a syringe to drop some vitamins down your chameleon mouth. Doing this could help your chameleon recover from blindness by preventing vitamin deficiencies.

P.S. You should do proper research on any vitamin you are planning to give your chameleon. Unless they are prescribed by the vet.

Visit The Vet

If you have done everything you can and your chameleon still doesn’t recover, you should definitely bring it to a vet. Personally, I don’t like visiting the vet if I know how to cure my chameleon.

Vet visits can be time-consuming and not mention, expensive. Most of the time, you will be able to cure your chameleon by providing the right care if you know what’s wrong with it.

If you don’t, it is best to just bring it to the vet. Better be safe than sorry.

Chameleons Recovering From Blindness

As I’ve said, it is possible for chameleons to recover from blindness if the blindness is not caused by some serious injury to the eyes. In most cases, all they need is some extra care and time.

When your chameleon starts to recover from blindness, it can be quite obvious. One of the most obvious signs, when chameleons recover from blindness, is that you notice their eyes opening up again.

If you are doing all the right things to help your chameleon recover, it could be fully recovered within a few weeks.

Can Blind Chameleons Change Colors?

Chameleons will still be able to change colors even if they are blind. They do not depend on their eyesight to change colors. In fact, they change colors depending on how they feel.

However, blind chameleons are less likely to change colors since they will be less aware of their surrounding.


Chameleons are not born blind, they actually have very good eyesight. However, chameleons in captivity can easily go blind if they receive improper care.

Spotting a blind chameleon isn’t hard and one of the most obvious signs is when they completely shut their eyes. If your chameleon is blind, don’t give up on it because it can recover in most cases.

All you need is to provide your chameleon with proper care and have some patience.

If you don’t know what’s wrong with your chameleon and not sure of what to do, please bring it to the vet as soon as you can. The longer you wait, the higher the chances of the problem being irreversible.

Edward Cohen

Hi, my name is Edward Cohen. I have been an animal enthusiast for many years now and I love them. My goal is to share what I have learned over the years through my experience and research about animals of all kinds.

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