Are Bearded Dragons Bothered by Noise?

Are Bearded Dragons Bothered By Noise?
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Bearded dragons are excellent in hearing, but are they bothered by noise? Being so sensitive to sound, they must be very bothered by all the noise around them.

Everyday life is so cluttered with noise with things such as music, talking, and everything else. Can bearded dragons filter these noises out or are they bothered by them all the time?

Bearded dragons are bothered by excessive noises around them. They are fine with the mundane sounds of everyday life but anything loud and unfamiliar can affect them greatly. Noises associated with their predators can also easily intimidate them.

Almost everything that can hear could be bothered by noise if exposed to an extent. Bearded dragons are special in this case due to their incredible hearing developed through the harsh life of the wild. How are bearded dragons bothered by noise?

How Are Bearded Dragons Bothered by Noise?

Exposure to excessive noise can hurt a bearded dragon’s normal functions heavily depending on how bad the noise is. It affects their sleep, and stress levels primarily.

Long-term noise exposure will cause bearded dragons a lot of stress which may shorten their lifespan. Everyone is bothered by different things around them but not everyone is bothered by the same things.

It applies to bearded dragons as well because they are known as reptiles that have different personalities. Some bearded dragons are timider while others are more outgoing.

This means that some bearded dragons are more bothered by noise than others while some may be unfazed while going on with their normal routines.

With that said, two things get affected when a typical bearded dragon is bothered by noise, sleep, and stress levels.

Disrupted Sleep

When it comes to sleeping, bearded dragons are pretty much the same when compared to humans. They take naps occasionally and are very deep sleepers, being able to sleep around 8 to 12 hours a day.

Bearded dragons love to sleep in the quiet dark as well, where no light or sound can bother them. Constant or extreme hearing stimuli will keep them awake because they are constantly on the lookout for predators.

There aren’t any predators in a domestic setting but they are already hardwired to do so for a very long time. Bearded dragons’ brains will find it hard to shut themselves off with all these uncertain noises around them while they try to sleep.

It is constantly processing the louder noises around them and I’m sure we’ve all been there before. Without sleep, bearded dragons will become lethargic and extremely stressed, which brings me to my next point…

Elevated Stress Levels

Noise can cause a lot of stress to bearded dragons, especially the ones that are new to the household. The thing is, they will typically get used to these noises as they are more comfortable with their surroundings, knowing that the noises aren’t there to harm them.

I am talking about the usual things that happen around the house such as the TV, or a vacuum machine now and then. But extremely loud and annoying noises will affect them differently.

If bearded dragons are exposed to unnecessary noise over a period of time, their stress levels will become sky-high because they aren’t sure what’s happening around them. Things such as overly loud rock music on the weekend or screaming around the house will stress them out a lot.

This will cause many health problems along the line, therefore you’d want to avoid these situations as much as possible. Knowing how noise affects your bearded dragon, what are the noises that usually ticks them off?

Noises That Will Bother Bearded Dragons

Different noises will affect bearded dragons, and usually, these can be found all around the house. Some noises shown here might not be as obvious at first but common noises are usually the culprit.

Here are some of the most common noises that bother a bearded dragon which can be found in a typical household.


I can bet that most people who have animals in cages or tanks will probably place them within proximity of their television. Everyday TV watching will be fine as your bearded dragon gets used to the sounds around them but certain sounds from the TV are unprecedented.

Actions movies or thriller films might have scenes that are either too cluttered with noise or have extremely loud music which might startle your bearded dragon. If you realize that your bearded dragon is showing signs of stress, the TV may be too loud or too close.

It’s also important to note that bearded dragons will be extremely intimidated if they hear the sounds of their predators on the TV. It sounds silly but it’s not as if they are smart enough to know that it’s coming from the TV.


Normal soothing music won’t affect a bearded dragon much. However, the noise that comes from very loud or distorting music will.

It also depends on the personality of the bearded dragon as some are more comfortable with loud noises as we’ve mentioned previously. They have an incredible sense of hearing which plays a big role here when it comes to music.

What seems like a comfortable level for you may be incredibly overwhelming for a bearded dragon to listen to. This is even more true when it comes to bass as the vibrations will affect them more.

You should consider the distance between them and the music as well. Since they can hear noise very well, you can imagine how painful it is if the speakers are right next to them and their sensitive ears.

Always play in consideration and pay attention to your bearded dragon’s reactions. They’ll let you know when they’re stressed and you can adjust accordingly. The best way is to play music somewhere else to avoid stressing them out entirely.

Outside Noise

Bearded dragons are some of the only reptiles that are recommended to spend some time outdoors like you would walk a dog or cat. It helps to give them much-needed exercise and mental stimulation which keeps them healthy physically and mentally.

After all, bearded dragons are very active animals. With that said the outdoors might be a very terrifying place as many things are not in your control, especially sounds.

Cars, public transport, and even other animals may cause sounds that are unfamiliar to a bearded dragon bred in captivity. When it comes to bringing your bearded dragon out for a walk, it’s better to do it in a garden or your backyard.

This way, you may avoid any unnecessary noise that might affect your beardie. A harness is always good to ensure that you can control where your bearded dragon is going incase any sound scares them.

The only thing you need to understand here is that you should be cautious about where you bring your bearded dragon. Respect your surroundings and know what might affect your bearded dragon when taking them outside.

Other Domestic Animals

Some pet owners like to keep multiple pets in the house under the same roof. What they don’t realize is some animals pose a threat to others even if they are under constant supervision. For example, the noise that they make could scare one another.

Cats and dogs are known to make a lot of noises around the house constantly. These noises will greatly scare a bearded dragon because to them, those sounds are from potential predators that might eat them.

It’s a good idea to keep your bearded dragon out of their reach to avoid any possible problems. Typically, a bearded dragon will learn to get used to the noises, but they will still be intimidated if the other animals poke their noses into the bearded dragon’s business.

You need to be wary of how noise affects your bearded dragon. They will usually show in many ways…

How to Know If Your Bearded Dragon Is Affected by Noise?

Animals can’t tell you directly that they are being affected, but there are certain things they do to show you that they are. How much noise affects them will differ based on how long they are exposed and how much.

Here are the typical signs bearded dragons will show when they are affected by noise.


When threatened, a bearded dragon’s natural response is to hide away to avoid any dangers. This will calm their nerves down even if it doesn’t do much to avoid the threat.

This is why it’s essential to provide your bearded dragon with hiding spots all over its tank. If a bearded dragon can’t find a place to hide when under stress, it will cause them even more stress.

They will even display other behaviors that might be overly aggressive or submissive. If your bearded dragon is allowed to roam, make sure you block all exits in case they escape.

Submissive or Aggressive Behavior

When a bearded dragon is overly stressed by noise, they will show submissive or aggressive behavior thinking that the noise will stop. This is because they want to show that they are either harmless or ready to fight back.

This is true whenever the bearded dragon is unable to find a good hiding spot to feel safe. They will often do an arm-waving movement as a way of saying “don’t hurt me”.

Another typical thing they will do is a sort of head bob depending on what they are trying to say. Aggressive bearded dragons will do a fast head bob while submissive ones will show a slower head bob.

Bearded dragons that are aggressive will also start to hiss at random things, trying to find out where is the source of the noise. This will largely depend on the personality of the bearded dragon as some are more aggressive than others.

Loss of Appetite

Bearded dragons that are extremely stressed will usually stop eating as well. This is more prone if your bearded dragon is exposed to long-term noise rather than short occasional ones.

It’s very rare but it’s worth making sure that they are happy and comfortable. This is something you’ll want to avoid especially if your bearded dragon is still growing.

They do 90% of their growth in their first 12 months, so you don’t want to deprive them of this growth period or you’ll end up with a dwarfed beardie.

How to Prevent Noise From Bothering My Bearded Dragon?

There are many things you can do to prevent your bearded dragon from being annoyed by noises. Here are some of the things you can consider if your bearded dragon is bothered by the noise around them.

Tank Placement

For starters, you should consider the placement of their tanks. If your bearded dragon’s tank is too close to a speaker or a TV, you might want to move them further away so that it doesn’t explode in their sensitive ears.

It’s still best to put their tanks in the living room because it’s the easiest place to keep track of what they are doing at all times. Don’t place in areas where other animals can disturb them as well.

Sound Levels

Lower down the sound levels around the house if you can. What is considered normal and comfortable for you may be overwhelming to a bearded dragon because of their sensitivity to sound.

If possible, use headphones or headsets to isolate the sound from them so that they can’t hear the sounds at all. If not, just try to keep everything at a lower sound level than usual to ensure that they aren’t affected by it too much.

Hiding Spots

A bearded dragon’s only way of coping with stress is by hiding from danger. Make sure there are enough hiding areas in their tanks so that they can avoid unnecessary stress and stay comfortable. Rocks, branches, and even foliage are all good choices when it comes to allowing a bearded dragon to hide.


Bearded dragons are very sensitive to sound, so it’s no surprise to know that they are bothered by noise. Many things around the house or the outside will stress them out with unnecessarily loud or long noises.

So, it’s best to know what affects them. Your bearded dragon will let you know when certain sounds stress them out, so keep an eye out when they show it to you.

Prevent this from happening so that your bearded dragon can live a long and comfortable life. With that said, the occasional classical music doesn’t hurt them. So waltz away.

Edward Cohen

Hi, my name is Edward Cohen. I have been an animal enthusiast for many years now and I love them. My goal is to share what I have learned over the years through my experience and research about animals of all kinds.

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